Monday, January 14, 2008

Time to be more diligent!

It is fairly sad, that I have not posted anything since 2006. I know that my dear cousin Missy used to check often to see what we have been up to, I am sure she has given that up as a lost cause. So my new year's resolution is to be more diligent with this blog. Today is like every other day in the Northeast in the winter, gray, dull, cloudy, and that HORRID WHITE WORD....SNOW!!!! George and I are preparing for our annual trip south and it cannot be soon enough! I need to see some sun. I have seen more snow than I care to and frankly I am freezing! This is a picture of a blue spruce in our yard during the last storm. It was pretty but enough is enough. The picture next to the spruce is one of my favorite trailheads. This was taken on a lovely cold icy winter day. It was so beautiful.

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