Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Pasttime

I find, since things have been fairly quiet this winter, that I have a knack for photography. As we have stayed longer in the south this year, the realm of flora and fauna experiences has mushroomed. The wonderful things that grow here, all sizes, shapes and colors are astounding! I thought the things I found on my hikes in the north were outstanding, but I was unprepared for the wonderful experiences I have had here. I saw my first gardenia in the flesh so to speak. I know to a lot of folks this is nothing but I have never seen one other than in a prom corsage! Magnolias are fascinating, a bud in the morning is a full blown flower by afternoon. Orchids grow here like roses do in the north. George insisted that I get a new camera to increase my skill and I am glad he did. I am really enjoying the new features it has that my old one did not have.

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